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Experience Europe while serving the Savior. Imagine yourself impacting MKs (missionary kids) and international students in a country that is only...
Missionaries Ole and Renee Konnerup are looking for individuals to teach the Bible for missionaries as they are on furlough. Description...
There are multiple teaching opportunities in Germany. Description Areas of need: Teaching English as a Second Language in grades 5-10 ( a teaching...
Missionaries Dwayne and Tammy Wright are looking for individuals to teach Spoken English in their school in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. The opportunities...
Missionaries Esteban and Emily Alvarez are looking for an American Football coach. Description The Alvarez family are looking for someone to commit...
Ole and Renee Konnerup, missionaries to Kenya, are looking for an individual to help in their ministry through overseeing construction. Description...
Faith Academy is looking for highly qualified educators to work in a dynamic environment that serves an international community living and working...
Cody Rogers, a missionary with BBFI's World Initiative Network (WIN program), has been working in Cambodia for nine years with the non-profit Asian...