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I have an income, why should I still pursue a partnership with the World Initiative Network?
Having an income is only part of the picture of living and serving abroad. Through the World Initiative Network, not only do we offer a wide range of financial services, but we also offer worldwide medical coverage that includes medical evacuation, life insurance, optional dental insurance, as well as airfare and shipping reimbursements for the first time you leave for the field of service.

I am retired, is there a place for me in the World Initiative Network?
Absolutely! Retirees can be used by God in a great way on the mission field. Bob and Terrie Sutton are a great example of this. After retirement, they served as WIN Missionaries alongside BBFI Missionaries in Thailand. While there, Bob and Terrie were involved in leading a discipleship program and were involved in several other areas of ministry.
Are opportunities through the World Initiative Network paid or self-funded?
The World Initiative Network offers a wide range both funded and self-funded opportunities around the world.
How much freedom do WIN Missionaries have on the mission field?
WIN Missionaries are considered independent contractors, and their scope of ministry is determined in cooperation with their sending church, sending pastor, and missionary partners. This offers WIN Missionaries the flexibility they need to follow God’s call on their lives.
What is the relationship between the World Initiative Network and my sending church?
We believe that the local church is the Biblical sending agency for a missionary pursuing God’s call on their lives. As such, the sending church and sending pastor work in partnership with the World Initiative Network to serve and support their WIN Missionaries.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

If you would like to talk with someone about WIN opportunities call 417-862-5001, or if you have more questions email [email protected].